Stop The Stress Cycle at Work: 2 minute routine to transform your workday!

#foggybrain #produvtivity #focus #alert bellyfat stubbornweight indigestion bloating worry emotionalrelease mental restlessness Nov 06, 2024

For me, working at a desk ( I actually work at my dining table) for long stretches of time, (namely over 1hour )has tremendous negative effects on my wellbeing.

I know you might laugh at this because you may spend 8-10-15hrs at your desk and think nothing of it.

However, if after 1 hour on a screen, I feel a  tightness in my chest, emotionally restless, ready to pick a fight and itching to get up.

My diaphragm becomes blocked, my shoulders locked, my breath shallow....

How do you think your body feels?

I can simply feel and notice all these changes as they happen because

a) I've been listening to my body for years

b) these uncomfortable feelings and symptoms are new to me, since my online business is 2 years old and prior to that, I never sat at a desk or used a computer.

So, if this happens after an hour of screen time, imagine what happens to you after 10hrs, months or years on end.

You may not feel these because you're so used to living like this, 12 hour days, at a desk, highly stressed. In this case you've been in survival mode for years, shutting down emotions and feelings to protect yourself.

Or at least, that's what you think. On the inside however, your body's systems start shutting down one by one, because when our body is in constant stress and feels constantly threatened, it starts shutting down the unnecessary functions and keeps only those that are necessary to keep you alive.

So, your digestion starts shutting down( hello; bloating, indigestion, reflux), thinking process reduced(welcome- foggy brain) because these aren't necessary for survival.

It starts storing weight ( that's why you can't shake that muffin top even though you're dieting and exercising)   you'll need fat to survive because fat can turn to energy when needed and finally your system  keeps your cortisol levels high. That's your stress hormone which in turn ensures your nervous system is  dysregulated. Think panic attacks, feelings of overwhelm, wanting to be isolated, emotional eating, becoming a couch potato....All because  your body's primary focus is to keep you alive , expending as little energy as possible.

So what can you do about it?

As I tell my clients, your emotions & feelings are stuck in tyour body not your mind. Release the tension, stagnation from your body and your physical symptoms start disappearing, your mental and emotional health improves.

And after treating stressed out, peri/menopausal women for 15 years now, I know what works and what doesn't.

Step 1: your daily routine has to be short ; how does a minute sound?

Step 2: it needs to be simple enough to do at your desk, in the car, while walking the dog.

Step 3: the results must be instant


This 2 minute routine ticks all of the boxes above. 

So, do all the 1-2 minute routines I give you.

Once you've done this, you'll feel joyous and light. The secret to holding on to this feeling is to stop and do this 2 minute routine THROUGHOUT THE DAY, the minute you start holding your breath, feeling stressed or anxious.

Not only will you be releasing in real time the emotions that could later cause you physical pain but also, you're teaching your nervous system that YOU ARE IN CHARGE, you've got this, so your cortisol doesn't have to peak, your cognitive function and digestion don't need to be compromised.

If you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired let's get on a 30 minute discovery call where I can walk you through what a custom made protocol for you would look like in my 1:1 coaching experience and how it can help you feel young and healthy again!

 Click here to book your free call

Thank you for being here,

Des xx