Decrease Back Pain; Improve Flexibility
Sep 18, 2024This is my favourite QiGong exercise and it's called Knocking On The Door Of Life.
Gotta love these traditional Chinese names!
Knocking on the whaat? I hear you say.
Here's a short explanation. Our kidneys sit at the height of our belly button ( more or less) and can be 'felt' either side of our spine. These acupressure points are called the Ming Men, which literally translates as the door of life.
You see in Taoist tradition, and Traditional Chinese 'Medicine" the kidney energy is responsible for our fertility ( life), our stamina, daily energy.
So by tapping on the kidneys we awaken them so to speak and this revitalizes and replenishes our energy, WHILE releasing the stiffness in our back!
You see our back become very stiff when we sit at our desks all day and don't move.
This causes pain and restlessness. That's why, this exercise is a great 1minute exercise to do
a) when we get out of bed
b) throughout the day to stretch from sitting for too long
c) before we go to bed to release muscle tension
I love it, my clients love it, kids love it cause it's really easy and fun.
So if you have a toddler, young child or even teenager and they become easily restless and cannot focus, try practicing this exercise with them for 1-2 minutes .
These 1min exercises are great to have up your sleeve when you want to release either physical / mental or emotional tension.
If you enjoyed this 1min movement, you might want to take a look at my
"Got A Minute?" series. That's a series of 15 videos just one minute each.
You get one email a day, for 15 days showing you 1minute stress relieving and energy boosting exercises.
60 seconds is all it takes!
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Thanks for being here,
Des xx
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