The power of Essential Oils : Eucalyptus Radiata
Oct 13, 2024
Essential oils along with herbs & spices are nature’s pharmacy!
Humans have studied and used them since ancient times, to help overcome everyday health challenges.
I’ve been using all of the above for over 15 years to help
- Fortify my & my family's immune systems
- Overcome colds & the flu
- Overcome Exhaustion
- Restless Sleep
And so many more! In other words, this is my complimentary ‘medicine’.
I use it daily to keep us healthy and thriving, and I also use it alongside whatever our doctors have prescribed for a more targeted approach to wellness.
I also teach my clients how to use essential oils in their daily lives and most of them have now made them a staple, especially during cold & flu season!
Without further ado, let’s dive into the power of essential oils.
Today’s blog post will be about the wonder of
Eucalyptus Radiata!
Firstly, let me start by saying that my aim in writing this blog post is simply to introduce you, to how you can use Eucalyptus Radiata in your wellness routine, either on the skin or in a diffuser.
I want to make it clear that I DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS ORALLY, EVER, even if oral use is indicated on the bottle. They can be very potent, not all essential oils are created equal, and you can cause severe harm if ingested in the wrong amounts.
Now, when shopping for a eucalyptus essential oil you may notice there are many varieties.
The most popular are
- Eucalyptus Radiata
- Eucalyptus Globulus
- Eucalyptus Citriodora
The first two are very similar in their properties and uses. So, if you cannot find Eucalyptus Radiata, you can swap it out for Eucalyptus Globulus.
Eucalyptus Citriodora however, has completely different properties and use.
It’s great for muscular tension, tendons, sprains, pulled muscles etc.
I will write up a blog post about this essential oil at a later date.
I strongly suggest you buy organic because you will be using this on your skin. Everything we apply on our skin, is absorbed in our blood stream, so you don’t want to be adding dangerous chemicals.
Now back to Eucalyptus Radiata
Some History:
This tree was originally found in my homeland, Australia! And the Aboriginal people, the first inhabitants of this land used its leaves to cover wounds, its sap to treat fevers and sores…and they call it The Gum Tree!
It has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine; especially as we enter autumn to tonify/ strengthen the lungs and help with upper respiratory disorders.
Once we learnt about these eucalyptus properties in the West, we began planting it throughout the Mediterranean and in North America.
Another nickname for Eucalyptus Radiata is Fever Tree, because it was planted in marshy lands, and because of its high water absorption, it would dry out the soil and repel the mosquitos which caused malaria.
Your short ‘fun fact’ session is over, now onto the important stuff.
Emotional Health
- Eucalyptus Radiata helps order our scrambled thoughts
- It warms our hearts, brings us peace and tranquility
- It tames our EGO and grounds us
Physical Symptoms
- Stuffy nose, sinus congestion
- Sore throat
- Coughing
- Chest congestion
- Upper Respiratory Tract issues such as:
Rhinitis, sinusitis, ear infections, pharyngitis
To help our physical symptoms:
Rule of thumb, dilute ONE drop of essential oil in ONE teaspoon of carrier oil of your choice.
This is the safest way, 1% dilution. The truth is every oil is different, you can use more drops of some than others but my aim here isn’t to make you experts. It’s to help you use the oil with safety while enjoying the wellness properties it has.
Let’s make a bottle to last us for the whole autumn/winter months
This is what I do, and it’s easy to reach for a bottle whenever we need it.
I live in Brussels, where the cold sets in from October, so this is the time of year I make my new batch.
There’s various ways of doing this.
1. You can buy 5ml glass dropper bottles and add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata essential oil
Then fill the bottle up with your carrier oil of choice and it’s ready to be used . Add some drops to the palm of your hand, rub them together and then rub your throat, and chest .
2. Alternatively, you can add drops of essential oil directly to your carrier oil, if it’s a small bottle. Just look at the volume, and remember 1-2 drops for every 5ml is safe for Eucalyptus Radiata.
3. Store it in a dark place and use it over the next 6 months. The same goes for your essential oils. Once the bottle is opened, oxidization starts which means its aroma diminishes and the potency of its antibacterial and antiviral properties decreases. So make small batches and buy essential oils in small 5ml bottles.
More Tips!
- If you have a sore throat, rub your throat with some drops of the oil 4-5 times during the day.
For a more powerful oil combine 2 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata, 2 drops Tea Tree & 1 drop thyme essential oils to 2 teaspoons or 10ml of carrier oil of your choice.
- If you have phlegm build up in your chest and throat, rub those areas with your oil 4-5 times each day.
- If you have a cough, rub your throat 4-5 times a day AND keep it by your bedside table to use just before you go to bed. It’ll help calm your cough and sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night coughing rub some more.
- Add, ONE drop of oil to your finger, rub between 2 fingers and then massage the sides and base of your nose if you have a stuffy nose. Use the remainder to massage under your cheekbones to open up the sinuses.
Please keep your eyes closed and only use one drop, otherwise it will irritate your eyes.
- Alternatively, add a couple of drops to a tissue or hankie and breathe it in throughout the day.
- Use 3-4 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata in a saucepan filled ½ way with water. Let it come to a boil , turn the heat off . Place your face over the saucepan, cover your head and saucepan with a towel. Stay there for 3-5 minutes inhaling the eucalyptus steam.
This is very beneficial again for sore throats and coughs.
- Use 7-8 drops in your diffuser and have it in your bedroom to help your sinus and cough. Bonus, diffuse it around the house to cleanse the air of impurities, and bacteria. Remember it has antiviral & antibacterial properties.
And all upper respiratory conditions.
HOW TO for Emotional Health
The easiest way to shift your mood and clear your head is the OLFACTORY way!
That is, through scent! Think about it, have you ever walked down the street, gotten a whiff of freshly baked bread or croissants? Don’t you immediately turn towards that aroma and have an irresistible appetite for the baked goods?
Or perhaps someone walks past you wearing a heavenly perfume, don’t you again immediately turn around to follow the scent?
What we smell impacts how we feel and this is how we can harness the scent of essential oils.
- Keep a small bottle of Eucalyptus Radiata in your bag, and simply open and smell
When you need an emotional boost.
- Use 2-3 drops of your Eucalyptus/ Carrier oil as scented body lotion. Apply behind your ears, inside your wrists.
- Use a diffuser in the space you’re spending most time in.
Remember that Eucalyptus Radiata helps calm the mind and unscramble your thoughts, so it’s great to diffuse in your office, in your kids bedrooms or wherever they study.
You can use it as a cognitive boost before exam, applying some oil on their body, nape of the neck, inside of the wrists.
I didn’t think I was going to write this much when I started this blog post, but, here we are.
I believe you now have al the information you need on how and when to use Eucalyptus Radiata.
Once you start using essential oils in your daily life, you will never go back.
Mood shifters, cough & flu fighters, Eucalyptus Radiata is one of the must have oils in your cabinet. Will you give it a go?
Thank you for being here,
Des xx
P.S And since we’re talking about cold & flu symptoms, here’s a short video about the perfect essential oil flu fighting combo.
Click to watch