Essential Oils to ease Period Pain & Bloating

bloating essentialoils hormonalhealth periodpain Sep 15, 2024

Essential oils have been used since ancient times for their fragrance, antibacterial properties and beauty secrets.

Like herbs & spices, flowers as well can help ease emotional pains and aches.

Think of chamomile tea, jasmine and so many more..

Have you ever walked into a space where essential oils were diffused?

Your whole emotional world changes!

Citrus essential oils for example bring us JOY, HAPPINESS. Think of lemons, bergamots, sweet oranges!


Now, let me talk about the essential oil at hand, Egyptian Geranium. This essential oil, like all others has anti-bacterial and anti inflammatory properties.

The Egyptians used it as a body oil for glowing, healthy skin. It can also be used to soothe menstrual and menopausal symptoms. Pain, bloating, and the general restlessness that pms causes. 

It also smells divine! It'll bring a smile to your face and a calmness to your spirit when you use it as body oil. You can try using this body oil, rubbing it all over your abdomen for a month and see if you have decreased menstrual pain and/or bloating.

It's also a great oil to share with your teenage daughters, and it's fun. Who doesn't want to use body oils that smell divine?

  1. Mow a note of caution. As always when trying out a new essential oil, try it on a small patch of skin first to make sure there is no reaction.
  2. Safety first: do not use essential oils on broken skin, open wounds.
  3. DO not use essential oils on children under the age of 6
  4. Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  5. Quality and quantity matter. Buy organic, high quality essential oils, a little goes a long way.  Rule of thumb: 1 drop of essential oil to 100 drops ( 1 teaspoon) of carrier oil. ( do not use essential oils directly on the skin) I like to use almond oil.

Once you try making your own body oils using essential oils and almond oil , believe me you will never go back to store bought creams and lotions. 

Bonus, they help not only keep our skin plump, clean but also help ease our aches and pains.

Thank you for being here,

Des xx

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P.S. This is not medical advice.